Our commitment is an oath we are taking both as individuals and on behalf of the companies we represent. 

Our commitment is to make an impACT on the industry:
A - Adopt (best practices)
C - Champion (the cause)
T - Track (diversity data)


Organization Commitment
Implementing the best practices that fit your company's needs will allow for continuous learning and growth in the areas of diversity, equity and inclusion. We commit to staying connected to needs of a diverse workforce.

Accelerate progress in representation
by hiring and promoting people of color, and other diverse talent, at all levels.

Attract and retain diverse talent through internal and external announcements of diverse executive-level hires. 

Bolster the pipeline of people of color through an annual review of internal metrics, and leverage best practices to address any identified issues.


Personal Commitment
Sharing how important D&I is to your organization speaks volumes. This means advocating for the prioritization of diversity in the workplace and implementing measures that enable our publics and key stakeholders to hold us just as accountable as we are holding ourselves.

Actively sponsor diverse talent, including people of color.

Role model positive change internally and externally through my words and actions.

Drive and embed inclusivity as part of my organization's culture, helping to empower people of color in their career.

Visibly hold myself and the leaders in my organization accountable for progress.


Organization Commitment
Tracking  progress is key to evaluating the success of our efforts and refining our strategy to move forward.

Benchmark and track inclusion to improve the culture of inclusion within our organization.

Share key representation metrics with the Diversity Action Alliance for bench marking and for anonymous reporting of the aggregate progress within the communications profession.

*As a reminder, the Alliance will never report out individual company data or share your company’s information with any other parties, the Alliance is an honest broker and will only report aggregate information by company size (Large, Mid-size, Small, boutique) or type (in-house, non-profit, academic, government). 

For more information or questions, contact us at 